Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Gotta Love It

So my roommate hasn't paid her rent yet. Again. She's lived with us for 8 months now, and probably at least 5 months out of the 8 she's been late paying rent. And several times when she's late paying it, she like disappears for a week before she pays it. I don't know what the heck she's doing, but it's not good. For her or anyone! If she would just come out and tell me "Hey, I don't have it all right now, can we work something out?" Or something. I wouldn't be so mad. But the fact is, she doesn't do that. She avoids me at all cost. It's stressful for everyone involved.

Ok, enough about her. Matthew's birthday was on Monday. It was so much fun. I took him to Hard Rock Cafe. It's his fave restaurant ever. He hadn't been to the one here in Nashville, so he was so excited. I didn't tell him where we were going, but when we got close to Broadway, he was like, "Where are we going..... We're getting close to Broadway.....that's where Hard Rock is!" SO funny.

I gave him a cd he's been asking for for like a month. And I gave him a gift certificate that I made for 2 tickets to the Grand Ole Opry. He gets to pick the show we go see. He liked that gift too. I also bought him a Hard Rock collectors pin. And I ordered a fruit drink in a collector's glass that "I just don't have room for". Hehe. I know. I rock. LOL!

So Saturday is Valentine's Day. It's also our 3 month anniversary. I was bummed about it because Matthew has to work his second job all weekend. No one was allowed to request off because of Valentine's Day. Well, he found out last night that he is scheduled early on Saturday, so he won't have to close, and his boss gave him Sunday off!! YAY! So we're going to celebrate on Sunday.

Well, I guess that's all for right now. Maybe I'll post again soon. L8R!