Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Growing up

Ever since I was old enough to care, my favorite color has been purple. Then at some point, I discovered that pink is pretty too. My bedroom has always been decorated (somewhat) with purple and pink, besides the few years that my bedroom was adorned with BASEBALL wallpaper. Once I finally got out of the baseball room, I had purple walls. SO pretty.

I've gone through flower, pastel, etc bed comforters. Posters on the wall. Stuffed animals all over the room. Etc. Now it's time for an adult look. I bought a new comforter for my bed. It is black and a tan/gold color. Wide stripes of different fabrics. Very elegant. Very beautiful.

My plan is to decorate my room around my comforter. Tan/gold colored curtains. Not sure what else yet. I'm very excited about it.